
I need to move. I don’t mean pack my shit and find a new house to live in. I mean move my body. My overweight body. My achy body. My stiff body. My body that creaks. My body that cracks.

We all know moving is good for us. Many of just don’t like exercising despite knowing we have to do it. And far too many of us just don’t do it. 2014 was a pivotal year for me. My braces were removed (here’s the story of why I needed them as an adult after wearing them as a teen). The very next morning, my mom died suddenly, even if it was not totally unexpected. A few months later I was diagnosed with Sjogren’s – an autoimmune disease that left me with achy joints. Oh, three weeks before mom died in early March, I started a new job that had an inconsistent schedule, with OT jumping up and slapping you in the face whenever it felt like it – I mean, one can’t just leave in the middle of a call or if the queue was blowing up (oh wait … though the current state of affairs is a post for some other time – or not, as the case may be).

Achy joints and depression made me just not care and just not want to do any form of exercise, which becomes a vicious cycle and now it is 3 1/2 years later and it is worse than it has ever been. I creak. I crack. I sit all day.

A friend mentioned on Facebook last week that she uses Amazon Prime videos for yoga at home. Eureka! I currently work from home more days than I go into the office. And I can do it every day without ever going into the office if that is what I want (though that doesn’t help my introverted tendencies but certainly saves on gas). I checked it out – there are a few seated yoga videos on Prime. I just added a few to my Watchlist and plan to start tomorrow during my lunchtime by watching one. There is even a Sit and Be Fit series on Prime. One of the episodes is for diabetes with tips on eating healthy (I may have a hard time not throwing things at the tv if they talk about how wonderful carbs are for diabetics!)

Another thing I really need to do better on – drinking water. I have gotten away from it. I know in the long run it will help with my swelling in my feet (so will compression socks which I haven’t gone to get yet).

I could probably use a partner in crime to help hold me accountable. Are you game?